‘Breaking Bad’ is Dark… and a Comedy?

‘Breaking Bad’ was my favorite show of 2023. Why is this? It’s funny. While the show may come across as depressing and dark, it actually accounts for many comedic tendencies, which is why I would consider it a Black Comedy.

‘Breaking Bad’ begins when the main character, Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher finds out he has cancer. To make money for his family before he dies, he begins to cook meth. This is both a dangerous business for both him and his family, but since his illness will kill him anyway, he decides to pursue this business with one of his former students as his partner, Jesse Pinkman. While the tone of the plot seems somber upfront, the depressing manner of the show leads to hilarious content and terrible, but funny jokes based on horrible things.

While the show does not end in happiness or marriage, there are so many triumphs throughout the many seasons of the show, and while Jesse Pinkman is not the main character, I would like to mention him as the comedic hero of the show. Jesse lives a very terrible life, taking hit, after hit, after hit. He loses so many people he loves, but he never fails to make the audience laugh. His character develops greatly throughout the story, and the internet houses a wide variety of edits of his character being nothing but funny.

‘Breaking Bad’ is a great show. I highly recommend anyone to watch it if you haven’t already, and as long as you are not too squeamish. The show is deep, it has so many layers and so much dramatic content. Most of all, throughout all of the terrible, yet compelling events in the show, you will find humor in the darkest of subjects.

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