king lear effect

For me the most influential piece of literature we read in class was the play King Lear. As you probably know Im not the best reader, at least I grew up being told that. For me reding is always something negative because compared to other people im just not as good at it. What made King Lear originally interesting for me was how we read it in class because everyone particspated and it was preformed out loud so I got to listen to the book, while being entrtainted which also helps because I also have adhd. This made the play really fun for me and I really leaned into it more than the other books we read this year. 

Not only have I enjoyed how we read the play this year but I also really enjoyed how complex it was. I think one of the best essays I have ever written in my opnion was the kind lear first essay about the storm. The metaphors and symbols in this play went so deep liek the storm being able to reveal who truly is loyal to king lear, while being a symbol for his feelings. The dynamics and relashionships as well challenged a lot of common themes today. The differnece between who is really loyal: the people who always make you feel good and agree with you, or the peopel who are honest and care on a personal level. 

Another dynamic in the play i found interesting was the entire theme of blood family versus the family you meet along the way. Being a teenager I found this so interesting especially because I feel like I think alot more about what my friends are doing and priortize spending time with them. Not that thats a bad thing but you family is usually portrayed as always having your back, but why I think its so interesting is either one can be a bad relationship or a good one. It is not depnedt on the type of relationship but on the type of person you have it with. 

Finally my favorite part of the play is the way consequences of good and bad actions catch up with everyone. The king was incredibly ignorant of the peopel he was leading and fell all the way to basically a homeless person in status, when he finally agained perspective and empathy for these peopel his lesson was satisfied and he died. Edmund is alnother example he finaly becomes the most powerful and realizes it is still not enough for him because he is just greedy so once he learns his lesson he also dies. This just was a reminder to me about not trying to rush life. Im not sure if that makes sense but to me it was more of lessons will come naturally your not supposed to know everything now, and of course the main point to try your best to live a kind honest life and good things will eventuay come. 

One thought on “king lear effect

  1. Ines F.

    First off as someone who grew up with you, I think you’re an amazing reader and performer. I also enjoyed reading King Lear and used it as my argumentative essay example of the AP test. The play itself is for sure a good lesson on power, betrayal, and the consequences of one’s actions


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