Through the Year – Connections with Albert Camus and King Lear

As I began the year, I didn’t think any book from this class would have left me absolutely bewildered, but theses two books definitely accomplished that. These books, The Stranger and King Lear completely changed my outlook on life. The profound themes and complex characters in these books have reshaped my sense of self, my values, and my approach to others and the world around me.

When I was first introduced to The Stranger, I truly felt like I didn’t want to read it, as I didn’t think I would have a big interest in it. This changed when we read “The Myth of Sisyphus”, which completely gave me a new perspective on life. Camus’s exploration of absurdity, such as seeing the good in absolutely hopeless situations, through the story of Sisyphus completely impacted me. The idea that one could find meaning in the struggle itself, even in the face of an indifferent universe, resonates with me. After reading “The Myth of Sisyphus”, I came in with a great mindset when we started to read The Stranger. As I read through the novel, I ended up seeing Meursault’s absurd attitude towards life and his rejection of societal norms. At first, I thought of it as pretty unsettling, but as I dived deeper into the text, I began to understand the message of embracing life’s absurdity and finding authenticity in experiences. This perspective has taught me the importance of living genuinely and not leaning on societal pressure. It encourages me to focus on what truly matters to me, rather than looking for validation.

On the other hand, Shakespeare’s King Lear took me on a journey through the tragic consequences of pride, betrayal, and the quest for power. At the beginning of the tragedy, Lear’s arrogance and blindness towards the truth around him had started to frustrate me. However, as the acts and many scenes passed by, I began to see the lessons Shakespeare put into the narrative. Lear’s madness and his eventual recognition of his own humanity and the importance of compassion were very transformative. This story has made me more mindful of the impact of my actions on others, and has taught me the importance of empathy and real connection.

Together, these texts have given me a template for looking at life’s complexities. The Stranger has instilled a sense of personal responsibility and the importance of living truthfully, while King Lear has reinforced the value of empathy and humility in our interactions with others. These lessons are relevant in addressing larger societal issues, as they have challenged me to think deeply about my values and my approach to life’s challenges, shaping me into a more authentic and empathetic person.

One thought on “Through the Year – Connections with Albert Camus and King Lear


    I completely agree with you. The two you mentioned and some of the others had the same effect on me. It’s cool how much it can change your points of view.


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